Self Watering Raise Bed . 2019/2020

Xola Keswa
I am always full of ideas about how we should be using the abundant resources that we have to create beautiful gardens full of food. I began a love of farming at my grandmother’s garden in Ixopo. I grew up in Pietermaritzburg and lived a lot with my Gogo (granny) and watched as my grandmother planted and harvested food for the family in their small rural garden.
She always used to tell me I could be like my grandfather – who had made a successful life for his family, growing food. I loved being outdoors in nature, I was at my happiest in the garden. The classroom was not where I learnt things. I preferred to explore and discover things to do with food and plants.
This curiosity led me to become a certified permaculture consultant based in the Midlands. I advise people who want to become more self-sufficient, growing their own food in their gardens. The whole organic movement and the growing interest in sustainable living has offered me a niche market. In March 2019 I met the Aachen Delegation with people from the university at Good Hope Primary School where students had created the “Selfwatering High Beds”. I was invited to Aachen in June 2019 where I met the students from the project and visited a lot of organic farm projects and could present my own project idea.