Queen Elisabeth II. . 2015
Queen Elisabeth II.
During the school exchange in 2015 I had the best times with my friends in Germany and I met even more wonderful people that are still active in my life. We have had beautiful memories together.
I was on TV in Germany, I “met” the Queen of the United Kingdom in Berlin while we were touring around the city, isn’t that amazing? I was standing in the front row waiting to see the Queen. Funny story the news reporter from RTL approached me speaking in German, wanting me to speak live on TV about how I feel seeing the Queen! Unfortunately I couldn’t speak German and she then gave the microphone to my fellow partner exchange friends. I remember they had to call their parents to ask permission to speak live on TV. I remember seeing the area packed with people with police everywhere and private force on building roofs, I was afraid at first because we didn’t know what was happening, it was a relief after somebody told us.
What an experience!
Unfortunately RTL doesn’t allow us to show you the whole video of the interviews – so you can only see some screenshots and the Queen in her white cardigan and hat in the distance:

Genevieve George
Hello, Mholweni, Hallo!
I’m from South Africa Cape Town and I’m 24 years old. I first got involved with the Cape Town-Aachen Partnership in 2014 through the school-exchange of Kreisgymnasium Heinsberg with my school, Phoenix High in Manenberg. Throughout my schooling I have been an active student that has been involved in numerous activities, whether it be educational or outdoor activities I would always grasp to opportunities. I have been a peer educator for Life Choices to being a motivational speaker for Dream Factory Foundation. Dream Factory Foundation has paved ground for me to achieve in many aspects in life. They have nurtured me to become the best version of myself: through Dream Factory Foundation, I learnt how to code and become an entrepreneur, sponsored by Google. I’m part of the SAAN Alumni and SAGE Net Volunteer, I recently came back from Germany after one year volunteer service. I have been abroad working in a Kindergarten working with kids age 1- 6 years old, my duties was mainly to speak English to the kids and to experience cultural exchange. I adapt easily to different environments.
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived, it is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”
Nelson Mandela