Fighting the Waterhyacinth . 2009

Stacy-Anne Michaels
Environmental Education Manager at
Edith Stephens Wetland Park
My first experience with the Aachen-Cape Town Partnership was in March/April 2009, when I hosted the workshops for the project Colourful Busshelters with Uta and Norbert for the learners from Phoenix High in Manenberg. Six months later Mrs Krewald, principal of Heinsberg High School in Germany and her learners Lisa, Pia and Dennis came to Cape Town to work together with learners from their new partner-school Phoenix High at Edith Stephens Wetland Park in the Waterhyacinth-Project.
In 2010, 2012 and 2014 I helped the learners of the two partner-schools during their exchange to build and maintain a school garden and build benches and tables for their school ground.
Recently in 2018 and 2019 we hosted delegations from Aachen at Edith Stephens Wetland Park during the “Summer School” at UCT and the official visit of the Lord Mayor.
I would love to be part of an exchange programme in the future and visit Aachen one day to learn more about their environmental education programmes.